Some will say they don't sell as well as they should. Others say they're crucial for driving hardware sales.
But there's little doubt that PlayStation 3 exclusives have often been a cut above this generation, and the competition has to respect that. So the question is, will Sony continue their first-party dominance in the new generation, or will Microsoft step up and start focusing on more exclusives, too?
For the record, I'm well aware of the exclusives on Nintendo's side; it's essentially all they've got, as far as I'm concerned. But that's still plenty, obviously. This is more about Sony vs. Microsoft and the ongoing exclusive debate, which I believe studios like Naughty Dog, Kojima Productions, Sucker Punch, Polyphony Digital, Media Molecule, and Guerrilla Games essentially ended over the past few years. Microsoft has to recognize that certain first-party developers on Sony's side have displayed cutting-edge technology on a level the 360 hasn't really seen.
It's a great way to show off a system's capabilities, isn't it? So wouldn't Microsoft want more of this, especially when a new machine comes rolling around? You can toss out another Gears, Halo and Forza but I think they need more of the new IPs that helped showcase the PS3's skills; i.e., Uncharted, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPlanet, etc. Now, if MS doesn't really step up and Sony still has all that amazing first-party talent, I think the PS4 might still have the same advantage over the competition.
If the PS4 isn't too far off, Sony could come with a huge array of hard-hitting exclusives, like Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, Gran Turismo 6, inFamous 3, and Metal Gear Solid 5 (if the latter is indeed exclusive at all). Add those to whatever new IPs the teams are working on for the upcoming generation, and I'd say Sony is fairly well positioned.
Tags: ps4, playstation 4, sony exclusives, playstation exclusive games
1/10/2012 9:11:24 PM Ben Dutka
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